April 2023

21-23                Loseley Park Spring Fair Guildford
31                     St John Eye Hospital Charity Garden Fair, Bishops Waltham

May 2021

4 - 8                  Badminton Horse Trials, Badminton Glos                   
10                     GoLd chairty Garden Fair, Winchester
12-14                Chatsworth Horse Trails


June 2023

                                Cornwall County Show?

July 2021

4-8                     RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 
13-14                 Stockbridge Town Hall, Hampshire SO20 6HE 

August 2021

31                          Burghley Horse Trials

September 2021

1-3                          Burghley Horse Trials

 October 2021

4                            Hampshire Fair, The Grange

27-28.                    Hungerford Town Hall, Charity Fair

30-31                     Spirit of Christmas, Olympia, London


November 2021

1-5                       Spirit of Christmas, Olympia, London
7-8                       Watoto Charity Fair, Petersfield
8-12                     Country Living Christmas, Business Design Centre
16-18                   Wealden Times, Hop Farm, East Sussex
23-26                   Chelsea Physics Garden, London SW3